School Discipline Webinar for School Administrators, Educators, and Staff
This webinar reviews a groundbreaking report released by the CSG Justice Center in June 2014, which provides 60 bipartisan field-driven policy and practice recommendations to provide students with safe, productive learning environments; effectively respond to students’ behavioral health needs; limit the use of suspensions, expulsions, and referrals to the juvenile justice system for minor, school-based offenses, and support educators in building positive school and classroom climates. CSG Justice Center staff provide an overview of the recommendations from the School Discipline Consensus Report, highlighting promising approaches from around the country and discussing ways in which educators, administrators, and other school-based staff can collaborate and work together to change policies and practices in schools. A school principal and teacher also discuss how their school made the transformation from a punitive approach to discipline to one based on restorative practices and a graduated system of responses. This webinar is for school administrators, educators, specialized instructional support staff, and other school-based staff working directly with youth.
- Lisa Thomas, Associate Director, American Federation of Teachers
- Harry Lawson, Associate Director, National Education Association
- Beverly Hutton, Director, Professional Development, National Association of Secondary School Principals
- Nina Salomon, Senior Policy Analyst, The Council of State Governments Justice Center
- Emily Morgan, Senior Policy Analyst, The Council of State Governments Justice Center
- Kilian Betlach, Principal, Elmhurst Community Prep, Oakland, California
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